Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Personal Manfesto

Here are 10 Points that I have developed that help me find my creativity and how I look at things.

1.  Be Yourself.- To be a creative person, first you have to be yourself, and then your creativity will follow.

2.  Don't Be Ashamed.-  Most times, people are afraid to express themselves how they would like in the thought of being ashamed of themselves.

3. TALK!-  Making connections is the best way to share ideas.

4.  Creative Intelligence.-  With your connections, making a collective intelligence will make the final work much more unique and original.

5.  Research.-  The best way to find out about techniques and concepts is to research.  By doing research, you may find something that catches your attention and inspires you to do something.

6.  Be Well-Rounded.-  Being a well rounded person will also help your creativity.  You can apply different techniques  that will help you make a trans-media product

7.  Take Breaks.- Often times, taking breaks will aid you in your creativity.  If you run into a slump,  take a break. Then after, come back to it and you will have a new view of things.

8.  Work on Your Weaknesses.-  If you only concentrate on your strengths, you will only be able to do one thing.  You must recognize your weaknesses and work to make that proficient.

9.  Failing is Inevitable.-  You must fail to succeed. No one is perfect and you must not let a failed attempt be the end of your creativity.

10.  Think "Weird".-  Create an original one-off product with your creativity.  No one wants to be stuck in the norm, so you must "step out of the box."

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